Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
youse guys are silly. An apple is a fruit, not a computer.
an apple laptop for microsoft -
I love how they're trying to hide it with the huge "Microsoft" sign in front.
Hi I'm a mac, and all your bases are now belong to us.
you all forget, it could be an apple with windows on it
laptop is missing a finger
BILL GATES D:< yew sick bastard
Even Micro$oft hates vista
Fail grammar!
Firs an apple helps in the discovery of gravity, now this... X3 Epic!
LMAO dnt kno if he was srs but "They need grammer check! XD "
check ur own first? -
i spy with my little eye...
a mac.
suck on that, pc. -
its missing a finger
I remember my first photoshop job...
Laptop haz no bellybutton
Apple ,hahaha !
Shouldn't it say "For Future Graduates?" and not "Future Graduated?"
AaPpLlEe on desk
Better get that thing out of sight before Steve Ballmer comes around, otherwise he'll likely smash the computer and murder its user in front of everyone. Steve Ballmer is fucking insane.
futuru graduated? or future graduates? dunno...
"LMAO dnt kno if he was srs but "They need grammer check! XD "
check ur own first?"
You didn't capitalize check, and you spelled your as ur. Check YOURS!
Lol.. Mac for Microsoft... LOL. -
the irony
Good, but belongs on Fail blog I think.
Um, Macbooks are not two-tone.
Apples can run Microsoft things. Hell, almost all macs have a Microsoft Office for the Mac. People are so f***ing ignorant. I mean seriously. Even the people who start topics of "Which is better: Macs or Microsoft" What the f***? Microsoft is a company that makes software, Apple is a company that makes hardware as it's staple. They haven't changed their software in forever, they just make computer and then finally change software when they are forced to because of the out-of-date-ness of the old software. F***ing retards, it's supposed to be "for Future Graduates" not "for Future Graduated." It's supposed to be how they are supposed to help you by educating you with something you don't know, while they even f*** up proper grammar.
haushsuahsu PC da apple
why cant microsof have a mac? the have software for macs...
xD -
Keynote is pretty good.
I like candy!!!!
"An Apple with windoze..." Why the fuck would you install bloatware on a REAL computer? Of course, given the shoddy, shitty quality of Micro$lop Windoze, it wouldn't surprise me a bit to find out that the presentation was made and presented with iWork Keynote. As for myself, I have a VERY powerful Snow Leopard that keep in an aluminum case. Suck it, fuck it, or chuck it, but you can't ignore the truth: Apple Macintosh OS X is better than Micro$lop Windoze or Linux. (Although, when it comes to Server software, Linux really IS the way to go.)
microsoft n mac?
Future Graduated? Shouldn't it be Future Graduates?
steve ballmer is the ceo of microsoft you retard learn some modern day history
haha that's awesome..MAC FTW
there is "Die" written on the wall, next to microsoft. poor steve .....
Apple computer running a Microsoft presentation. LOL
it's not "buisness", you fucking moron, it's written correctly in the image.
fucking retard.
the point is, as everyone else already said, the Apple laptop behind the Microsoft board on the stand. -
that is just stupid. an apple laptop for microsoft? FAIL
Mac + Microsoft = Huge Explosion... sadly, shortly after this pic was taken everyone died.
Shouldn't it say "for future graduates," and not "future graduated?"
Yeah, thats not photoshopped at all, or anything....
appleee Bitches(: LOL.
Steve "Ballmer" is misspelled. I went to the school named after him and it's spelled Balmer. I shat no bricks for this one.
uh... Microsoft owns half the Apple shares, they may be different companies. you buy an apple you are still supporting Microsoft.
Mac Symbol on an obviously not Mac Laptop
Business is spelt correctly fool. Look it up in a dictionary.
XD! Though that's not exactly news that they use them... Still, NICE!
"grammer" is simply misspelled, thus not making a grammatical error.
idiot -
Duplicity is so duplicity
yer but think microsoft are the one's who do word and stuff windows in apple's worst friend
teh lol
Mac Attack!
Macs can run Microsoft OS. Microsoft is an OPERATING SYSTEM, not a computer.
Quite possibly JUST a technology demo involving MAC running MS software to illustate portability.
ooooh oooh i know its a microsoft computer at apple(just switch that around)
windows is only software apple is software and hardware so they can just have windows in stalled on it like on my mac pro
if im not mistaken isnt STEVE BALLMER THE CEO OF APPLE?!?!?!!1ONE? lol apple for microsoft
microsoft IS primarily for windows, but also makes programs for mac. such as microsoft office
Even Microsoft knows everything they make is a failure.
the printer is elvis lol
MAC FTW!! I lol'd hardcore.
Microsoft love appel
"isnt STEVE BALLMER THE CEO OF APPLE?!?!?!!1ONE?" Nah, you're thinking of Steve Jobs. Coulda saved yourself looking stupid, since the internet it RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU AND ALREADY OPEN. ;) :D
Ok, I use to come on shit brix to see pictures if weird stuff and get creeped out. But as time went by it turned into a sight of weird images and people writing reeealy funny comments. Now I come on here to get a good laugh at the comments and there's always that one stupid serious person on every picture who comments with a pissed off attitude. Get a fucking sense of humor and fuck off. If you don't like it then don't read them!!
The computer is missing a finger.
am i the only one sees bikini? that purple thing on microsoft? fuck apple. no guys, i am not fruitphilia o_0
i though that it is because on of the names on the board is steve ballmer
The computers will be eated
a mac comp bhind the microsoft sign
None of you get the joke. DX Bill Gates never graduated and it's a seminar for people who are going to graduate. Kinda obvious
.wrOng spelling of bussiness(business). !
wait microsoft? how did they find out about my pen- nevermind.
they all just need a survey of that product, an apple against microsoft
the real mindfuck is that guys name Steve BALLmer, probably got teased in high school
Type your comment. Idiots, it should say "innovations for future graduates" not "graduated" and the Mac's funny too
hidden black guy
Apple logo is crappily photoshopped on
Not to mention the "graduated" which should prolly be "graduates"
the irony
Must have been Vista-Era... xD
First thing I saw was the fact that instead of graduates, it says graduated, lol, then noticed the mac
There's a little black kid in the corner!!!
future graduated?
whoevers standing at the podium is so gonna get fired
the mac could just be running windows... so they can show superior they are.
"grammer" is simply misspelled, thus not making a grammatical error. idiot Spelling is grammar.
Should say Graduates not Graduated
i dont get it - OMG the computer is missing a mouse!!!
Apple at microsoft ! EPIC !
look to the left of the microsoft sign it says dic
Whoever thinks this was a cock-up has never heard of the concept of 'Market Polarization'.
Damn!! WTF?? That man behind the computer is invisible!!!!!
Umm, Mac Is An Entirely Different Computer than a fucking apple computer dumb asses!!!!!! :D
macbook in a Microsoft Corporate ?
Should be "Future Graduates" and also the computer that seems to be running the slideshow is an Apple.
Hah! Failure!
Apple has taken over microsoft LOL
Well it runs windows well...
ummmmmm. . . .shouldnt the overhead projection read"Business,Leadership and Digital Innovation for Future *Graduates*" not graduated?
i saw steve "ball"mer and then saw microSOFT
where's the black guy?
there is a microsoft assembly at a mac laptop station
"Business Leadership and Digital Innovation for Future GRADUATED." I think this is another fail!thing besides having a Mac in Microsoft. Grammatical error. XD
youse guys are silly. An apple is a fruit, not a computer.