Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
One arm is WAY longer than the other.
shes not in the kitchen?
Got it , 100% , left part of the couch , looks like a face!
I can see a creepy face on the sofa
the ironing board is missing a finger
If you look closely you can see a sexxy babe in the middle =)
I see one face on the left side of the window and one face on the other side of the window...
What the fucks with her arm???
whats up with her face? oO
hahahah U-G-L-Y dress...wooow shes a girl...ithink somewhat screaming face? but the pics on the walll black eyesss:(crreepyyy mackenzie
It's George W. Bush's smiling face in the couch.
Wow, please tell me I'm not the only one who sees that face on the couch.
Right under her hand in the top left corner I can see like half a head... at least it kinda looks like one... peeping through the window.
omg! i did shit bricks when i saw how big my ****ing boner was!
I see a naked girl under the window but when you get to the begging bottom of wnidow no head lol
the ironing boards not set up and shes not doing her job ?
wierd shaped boobs in the left window
you guys are dumbasses its a dude ...
the iron is not out and in use
Not in the kitchen, but al least she has been ironing!!
Far left window a dude wit a mask and hoody on. yeah i have got a good eye ;)
man with a beard in the sofa (left side)
look at the picture behind her its the ONE MISSED CALL DEMON THING
3 Things 1: One Arm Is Longer Than The Other 2: Creepy Face In The Couch D: 3: Scary Face One The Window
i see a face in the couch
ITs the arms and nothing else.
is that pedobear?
theres a face in the window ;)
it looks like obama's in the pattern of the sofa.
SHe's Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's an ironing table there... and she's not ironing men underwear... I shat brix
Look at that right arm!!
shit...o.o -
Ohhh. I expected a black guy's face
OMG one of her arms is way longer than the other !! O.o
Left Arm is WAYYY longer Than right arm.
I see a face at the middle of the image over the girl's shoulders
Objects closer to the camera will apear larger then actual
there's a shark in the sofa!
Theres a dark face in the window... Duhh
under her long arms hand is a guy in the window.. haha, how did no one see it
face on the couch. i thought it was a black guy..
I'm not seein' it here.
i agree with the arm thing, i do see the screaming face, though i dont think that was the intended brick, but i swear under her right (our left ;)) hand, i can see the top of some dudes face peekin over the window (a distraught message)
id still hit it.
looks like there's something crawling out from under one of her fucking sofa cushions
lol, there's a face in left windowshade
In the center window, there is reflection of a head that should be facing towards the photograph being taken. It looks like they should be sitting on the couch, but there's nobody there..
"who has a six foot arm?" She does apparently.
Dr. Rockso in the window?
one of her arms are actually a foot
the ironing board isnt' being used?
Rubber Johnny in the window!!!
LOLzzz. i see goatse on the sofa (middle)
face in the window looks like this D-:
the screaming face in the middle window?
Dude, just look at the first window on the left. Look closely.. FAIL!!! :DDD
WOW! she must have the longest arm ever !!
1: LONGASS ARM! 2: oh my god she is actually missing a finger :O
No thats Pedobear
Holy crap she hung two of the same picture!! one on the wall and one on the wooden door. creepy.
I thought the ironing board was a longcat at first
2 faces and a hand knocking on the window 1 face is on the middle window the other is on the right window in the shades under the girl's hand =]
She's missing the iron.
HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT! She's not in the kitchen!
there's a face on the couch
she has small boobs
i dont see nuthing!!!
the girls arm is bent its not cause one is longer then the other shes just bending it...DUH!
its her boobs
nigger alert
EN - one arm is longer than the other NL - een arm is langer dan de andere
a green person in the picture in the background
Oh! Oh! I know! If you look REALLY close, you can see a woman with a boa
Look closely to far left window.. you can see a guy standing in window! His face and glasses are right under her hand and you can see the design on his t-shirt riight below that.. DAMN people!
OMG !!!!! Kill it with fire now !!!!!
Why the FUCK is the ironing board folded up?
is it just me or does that thing on the couch look like a foot wide cat head?
I'm thinking its all the GIANT keys next to the closet door
i see tits in the middle window!!!!!!!!!!
That Ironing board isn't open and my clothes aren't on it. WhereTF does she think SHE'S going?
theres a face on the left side of the freaking couch!
The ironing board is her dancing partner.
the ironing bord is missing a finger
When i saw the face in the window i shivered.
Seems that the iron board is just shitting bricks! OMG! Scary!
She's not in the kitchen...
I see a face on the sofa and one on the window..
there's a face top-left below her arm and obove blinds
a very angry monkey with its mouth open in the window, just below the shade.
i think i've seen this dress on Project Runway...
One of her arms is so dam long
Look again! You are all wrong! Hint: it has nothing to do with the girl, her outfit, the middle window, nor the couch.
i saw a face on the couch immediately... idk bout you guys
behind her above the front door OMG ITS A NINJA
That scares me. 0_0 Theirs a guy in the window.
Picture with a woman and a baby on the wall is also on the closet on the right
Right pad, Memes faces.
nothing out of th... OMG KILL IT KILL IT WITH... oh its merilyn manson but still...KILL IT KILL IT WITH FIYAH!!!!! oh and YOU GUNNA GET RAPED!!!... PEDOBEARS FACE IN THE COUCH BTW...
obama on the couch
she is undr attack by a pink snake!!
fuck one tit is big than another press green but or ill make her put u in a headlock lol
I see a face in the sofa
Zoom out... couch is pedobear maybe. Also, there is face in the window.
I like how the pathetic lonely virgin who said not in the kitchen thinks he's funny
theres a girl sitting in the middle window.
she's not ironing
where that nigger hiding now?
i like turtle kid is outside her window
there's either: 1. a few ninja or 2. I give up, where's the black guy?
ass hole \/
there is a face in the middle window and one on the couch
On the middle window is Dr. Gordon Freeman
Uuuh that that's the ugliest dress I have ever seen???
i see a face in the couch with a beard
nope, her 2 arms are just as thick, so it has nothing to do with the closeness to the camera.
Her right arm is just longer than her left. -
omg there's a face in the picture frame!!!
Black guy in the windows :)
I can see a mans face on the loungee
the ironing board looks like its holding up a rock sign.....\m/
well u can tell that this is hungry for fried chicken.
surf table with two hard penis coming out of the top
E.T. outside the window
Her arm is wayyy longer than the other
All you sexist assholes need to get a life.
IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZERS in the middle window
its the misfits fiend!
haha i smilly face in the window
it's quite obviously a guy...
creepy face? it´s obama!
Lol Her curtains are ripped up!!!
She has multiple kingdom keys!! KH FTW.
Shes not in the kitchen, nor is she ironing. She must not be a woman.
theres an iron right there, why isnt she using it?!!!!!!! P.s: im a girl myself so this aint sexist.
OO big surprize... ANOTHER black person in a window.
her arm is two meters long? Hey stupid englishman youre to stupid to figure it out.
Budda is sitting on the top of the couch..
Holy shit, Kristen???????
Every time I see those "The [inanimate object] is missing a finger" I always scroll back up to see if it really is. Only when I see it has no fingers do I realize they lied.
the left arm looks broken...
Is it weird that I try to look for a nigger in every picture...?
I don't see a face on the couch, but I do see a Halloween mask in the middle window. Also her arm does look way too long.
look at the faces in the pictures on the wall...
there is a face in the picture behind her
She's in the living room without a sammich... i'm gonna shit a brick and then smack her with it
shes got 2 fingers theres a face in the window and shes got a boner
Come on guys! In the middle window a gasping face with a large mouth! o.0
feather boas are so last year hunny
obama on the couch?
Its an ugly Emma Stone!
i keep seeing creepy faces in the black parts of these pictures. i blame my recent obsession with Penumbra.
There's a face on the right side of the left couch pillow. (
I HAVE THAT COUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's a face in the window, le dur.
Thanks to this site, as soon as I see a dark window, I look for black people.
omg theres pictures of her everywhere!!!!1
i see a face on the wall
That shitty photoshop in the middle window?
I never knew a prom dress could be that hideous. My mind has been fucked.
whoa in the window it looks like one of the zombies from i am legend
theres a face in the wndow on the rightside and her right arm is wa longer then the left arm
next to the blanket on the couch. to the right. face?
she have a long arm
Same photo in the placard (on the right) and on the wall (in the back).
the most creepiest thing is that i think thats one of my neighbors D:>
Emma Stone reject?
the black man at the window is a pedo
She's like Madonna
it looks like there a chick in the back crossing her arms
Not faces in the couch or windows, she's in a war move, with her imaginary sword up and a shield in the other hand.
I see jay Leno's face in the couch
anybody notice how fucking long her right arm is?
no!you are all wrong!there is a face in the sofa!
shes not in the kitchen...makin me a sandwich...
Screaming face in window. But it makes sence, they are Redsox Fans!!!!Look at the pillow on the sofa!!!
i saw jesus on the couch...
maybe its the cow looking head in the left window
Face, middle window
Turned up gamma, there's no face in the window. BUT, the pattern on the sofa right below it looks like a skull.
The creepy dark face is missing a finger!! :P
Pedo Bear!!!!
the photo at the top of the door is the same of the pic at the wall.
i swear there is a face outside the middle window... and another in the left one.
there's a face in the picture frame ^^
Her dress is ugly as fuck .
Strange... I think I've been to this house before.
Get a gay guy in there pronto.. that family cannot decorate!
her arm is like huge lmfao
there is a baby face on her dress. alittle left of where her belly button would be
where's the black
LOL u dum fucks, HER ARM IS ANATOMICALLY INCORRECT, which means that in order to have an arm that big, you would obviously have to be a BIGGER PERSON. This was so photoshopped
Look in the window
guys shit it is a picture of a guy in the back of the couch
this is just me.. but the dude from MAD Magizine's face is in the lounge, Just what i thought lmao
Yeah. A really creepy face. ; _ ;
theres a people cyting on the window
Is there ppl in the window?!
i saw the face, creeepyyyyy
pedos in teh window
i don't see a face on sofa but i see face in window black huy with huge mouth
Bino, it's not a trap, you can go on. - HorakhtiVDS
On the blinds on the left window it says "yes" Also she has like a 7 ft right arm.
Boobs in the middle window, Look closely.
Face is totally photoshopped in.... wow.
Missing Arm..
scarecrow in the far left window under her long arms hand haha, no one noticed it?
She's not in the kitchen
Theres an Ironing board...... And shes not using it!!!
ozzy osbourne in the middle window
shes not in the kitchen?
someone peeking on the windows (look at the girl's hand)
Left part of the couch a REALLY PISSED OFF FAT GUYS GHOST!!
she's missing a finger?^.^
does anyone see a resemblence between that girls face and micheal jackson? just a lil one?
shes missing a finger
After seeing these bricks so much, every time I start by looking for a black guy
You people really need to shut up about the, "She's not in the kitchen." thing. Wanna know something, you're not at work. (; Now we're even.
There's an ironing board and that bitch ain't ironing.
well her right arm is A LITTLE BIT to long......
her arm is twice as long as the other one
a really weird screaming face in the middle window O.O *goes to corner* T.T
I would assume that the sitbrix part shoud be the arms (one longer than the other) but that is normal when you play with prespective. The other that might be which I highly, doubt it, is a "face" below her left arm. I processed it trough some filters, nothing is out of the ordinar except your immagination :_) Have fun vde
its the kool-aid man on the couch
the other hand is very loooooooooong!
face in couch cushion
look at the blinds, there's a face there
holy fuck. The middle window face shat bricks when it saw me..
CHARGER'S GOT ME! A very fashionable Charger might I add...
it looks like the ironing board is getting raped against the wall with the doorlnob x)
the face in the sofa (in the middle)
ironing board isn't packed away...
Her arm is 10 feet long, man!
Who ever said charger LMFAO Left 4 Dead 2!!!!!!!! I get it!!!!
3 thing 1:there is a black man at the window 2:the left side of the couch looks like a face 3:one arm is longer than the other
There's two of the same picture hung up.
If you look in the window to the left you can see a dog. :P It's face is floppidy. xD
The curtain has been on fire
does anyone see a relationship between that girls face, and micheal jackson, just a lil bit?
WWATCH THE HAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO LONG FOR HER??
i somehow see obama on a couch pillow
face on left side of couch
arm is two times as big as other
am i the only one noticing that someones hiding under a blanket on the couch? you can see the persons hand
The Left cousion is the face
1) face in the sofa 2) REALLY long right arm 3) creepy face in the window :o
One arm is longer than the other and Abraham Lincoln is on the sofa.
She looks like Madonna
Hmmmm I dont see it..................... You my fucking god kill it
i see the kool aid man in the couch
If you look through the window at the back you can see a toilet in which you can safely shit your bricks :)
"[She's] not in the kitchen?" Where the hell do you people come up with this stuff? Seriously, that is totally lame AND overused on this site. --Snyarhedir
michael jackson in top right corner
left hand is tooo long..
i can c faces every were in the windows and the lounge ahhhhhh KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!
Two of the pictures in the room are the same o.o
One arm is wayyyyy bigger then the other kinda wierd but it happens
am i the only one who tilted the screen and saw deadmaus in one of the windows?? :O
OMG!!!!! the ironing board is missing a finger :O
one arm is longer than the other. ya'll try too hard.
no black guy?
one arm is really short while the other is too effing loooooonnnnnggggg!!!!
The screaming demon in the window is missing a finger.
Alright, I give up! Where's the black guy?
am i the only one that can see the dead guy on the left side of the sofa?
Elastic Girl xD
shes like:HAIL HITLER
O hai there Obama. What are you doing on my couch??
i can see girl like the ring character on the window.. repeat check..
Rage face on pillow to the right
If she fisted you.....aahhhhhhhh
There's a monkey behind the sofa.
One arm is WAY longer than the other.