Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
LOL, they wrote it with vagisil!!!
Hey boys! Did you know? "Vagisil is an over-the-counter cream used to treat yeast infections."
NO, it is not 8+ fingers on her hand , that is the reflection. NO , it is not that the message is not a reflection like their idols , the message is typed on the mirror, it is not an idol so it appears correct. YES , it is the feact that they are using vagisil to write it, google it! :D
***WARNING*** BEWARE OF INCOMING PUN ***WARNING*** How long do you think they were itching to play this prank? Approx. 1-4 weeks. LOL
Are these girls in the men's bathroom?
You bitches ain't right
After 4 to 6 days that mirror wont itch either!!!!
Vagisil....Yeaaah.. That's attractive. Really gonna make the boys run..
Hey boys, vagasil touches more than my vagina
Hey boys, guess who has the yeast infection!
HOLY SHIT....................it's a FLIP PHONE!!!
Just, EWWW
Are they wirting that in a restaurant, because its a lady sittin in a booth readin a menu.
It's Justin taking a picture?
I was itching to find that one
I should really put this cream on our dirty Vagina's ' my mick will itche all week now ????
Is it the fact that they all look so completely bored out of their fucking minds?
Don't even have to finish that message Im on my way ladies
Girls in the boys restroom! EWWY!!! U guys r lucky i wasent there i wulda srsly caled the cops on u.
LOL, they wrote it with vagisil!!!