Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
If you stare at it long enough, there's a pretty clear image of a forest of some kind.
Ahhh...there is a car just above the U in MINDFUCK, so if this picture isn't shopped, that's one heck of a giant forest.
too easy, in the right corner, is a football player ;)
If you stare in the centre for about 10 seconds you'll notice that you were just staring in the centre of this photo for no reason
I see a car, a football player (or maybe medieval soldier), a purse, a fighting claw, a hanging mummy, and numerous skulls, demons and freaked out cartoon faces. When I tilt my monitor back I also see a fat torso in a bikini. None of it's very clear, though, so I think my mind is just making shit up so I'll stop looking at the picture and move on.
I see faces in all places! AHHHHHH!
I'm still trying to shit bricks
i see nothing!! just trees :(
umm was this picture supposed to give me a boner?...>.>
I see a monkey with a straw
theres was a black riding hood
i see a fucking spaceship to the right
ok seriously u guys r rele dumb the fuckin tree is curved
I think i finally found it!!! at the center of the forest you can see two eyes if u squint your eyes.
very top to the left of the middle there is a cross in the trees.
2nd tree from left. face at the bottom
omfg idiots, its the random light... in center.
OMG if you look in the dead center, there is a tree!
I cant see nothing shit
There's a face at the lower part of one of the central trees!
"grim reaper" is just to the left of the 2nd tree, lame IMO if that is it
There is a women in the bottom right corner and a bunny in the bottom left corner and a hand in the tree in the top right corner.
I can see murdoc from gorrilaz idk why oh yeah im listening to them right now
well if you turn around 3 times and then count to 20 im pretty sure theres a forest
there is a tree behind the... the... trees...
Theres something in between the 2 trees farthest left
There is a ghost between the two most left trees
there is a fucked up devils face towards the left of the image, no grim reaper
it is just a fake one you would only see a forest with nothing on it
do you think the people who made this site put up a bunch of random pictures that truly have nothing wrong with them just to see how many fucktards can try and create something wrong with them?
why i cant see TT_TT
too easy, in the right corner, is a football player ;)
Deep in the forest you can see a camping place....... WERE GOING TO DIEEEEEE!!!!
ok, so theres a tree in the muddle. to the right of that tree, there is a feint tree. there is a face on the tree.
i dont see it! *grabs eyes* rawr!!! fail!
on the left, there's a reaper
where's the black guy?? Every photo has a black guy!! º•º
anyone notice the detonator sorta above the D?
OH MY GOD...its a forest...unfuckinbelievable...
ok am i stupid becouse i dont see anything!!!
i can't find shit
person in the tree on the right 3/4 up the pic
tree above the N in the shadow...its the grim reaper!!!!
i see a unicorn above the 3rd tree on the first right
I see nothing .___.
in the left is a girls head...like someone making out
The forest has many, many boners...
there's about 452 ninjas in this picture
if you cross your eyes, you see TWO forests
a face
.... slenderman @____@
OMG I just saw a bird.
I think I got it. Two trees are in front of all the rest. Look at the right hand front tree. Just to the left of it, a little below the center, in the background of the picture, is a dark shape, with somewhat human stature with long arms. I might just be reaching, though.
nothin. Plain Simple nothin.
deer in top of tree...lightning bolt, lightning bolt
"OKAY EVERYONE I COULD SEE IT! this is the actual one, if you look far left in the photo between two tree's. keep looking at it and dont blink, and you'll see a really faintt image of grim reaperr and his big knife thinggoo" "big knife thinggoo"..... may god have mercy on your soul....
OMG! The Youll is missing a apostroph.
go on google search black and white forest click on this picture and writing will come up saying- PEDOBEAR IS WATCHING YOU MASTURBATE
Dumbass faggots. I see a smiley face in the tree stump in teh center. Beside the middle terr
what a fucking picture
This websight Sucks balls
in the right hand corner theres a house
there is a man hanging on the tree. Middle right of the pic.
You noobs still haven't found it yet? There's something beside the central tree, close to the top. It's very small, but if you observe closely enough then you'll find it. A face. SO WHERE IS MY FUCKING MEDAL?
oompa loompas EVERYWHERE
There is clearly a very large dildo on the ground towards the center... I must have left that there on accident... Sorry.
in the Farr left corner thingy there is a creepy face?
"ok seriously u guys r rele dumb the fuckin tree is curved" Trees can do that. DUMB ASS.
no apostophe in 'you'll'
if someone would just clear out all those trees i think i could see the forest
i found waldo!
A tree with a little head, almost in the middle of the pic, on the top.
There's a small tree that looks like a PENIS .. oO''
Holy Shit! It's Donald Duck wearing a sausage turban, jerking off to the grim reaper fingering his own sphincter!
Its a scythe
so... i can't see anything
AAAH theres a face in the middle of the pic!!!!
Looks like there's a forest fire
Slender man?
okay seriously guys it took my little cousin like 20 seconds to find this... there is a curved tree and at the bottom of the tree is a mini dalek :O
cartoon cat towards the top above the F
wtf is it supposed to be big as hell, or like some branches in the light.
There's a penis in the middle.
eyes in the center of the forest :)
isgiant butterflw in the middle
i dont see anything??
there's a fying dutchman haha
OMG no little red riding hood :P
Just to the right of the base of the second tree in from the left. looks like a goat or something.
a face duh
Wow.. does no one see the shovel lying right in the middle of the picture next to the thing everyone calls a "boner"? all ur bodiez r belongz to 4ezt
this is gay.. where are the good ones??
It's made up of faces...all the trees have faces on them.
If you squint your eyes, it's like you can see a skull =))
I see a dog on the top, near the top center, and its in the light
Where's the black guy?
No jokes. I defenetly can see the Pedobear in the middle!
why do i see terry fox...
The Blair Witch is out there.
"When you see it you'll shit bricks." Well too bad I DON'T FUCKING SEE IT.
i see a webcam .__.
omg i see faces
i see nothing.. ZOMFG THERE'S A TREE!!!!!!!!
At he bottom the sticks spell out SOME KIND
There's a smiley at the center, no joking! It's next to the 2 trees in the middle
if you look closely at the top, you can see edward fuckikng around up there
it's NARNIA!!!!
between the F and the U above the sunshine flooded ground ist an eye. maybe a wolf
The forest is missing a finger!
If you look right above the F in mindfuck you can see that the forest has a boner
I see two men back to back bottom left in the trees ? STEVE679
its man bear pig and he is missing a finger :P
wtf i seen the grudge girl in the middle left look there for a few sec then blink rappidly she will give u a creepy smile
ok is the pic makin us shit brix or is it the comments about the freakin missin finger pics LOLLLLLLLL
if you look at the picture you qont see anything but then you look at the comments and realize its has gotten you no progression then you scroll back up and realize thers probably nothing in this picture and then you shit brick when you realized that i spelled dont wrong. and then you shitted more brix because of how pissed your are from looking at thos picture for awhile and still see nothing..
Foreground bottom right theres kate moss
ANNNNNND!!!!! over to your right you can see.............. ABSOLUTLELY NOTHING!!!!
THERE. IS. TWO. DANG. FEET. .__. In the middle next to the wavy vine.
holy CRAP!!! If you look reeeeaaal close you can see a Spruce tree in the middle of allllll those Pines!
Go on the top of the image, above the N. There's a tree which "divides" in 2. On, the top of the "right tree" there's a face
Ummm, If you look at the tree in the middle, the run your finger down and go a center meter to the right, you will see a dick...
nope... rigjht on midle is a camo claymore mine
u guys are dumb i see a GIRL!! in the picture see?
follow the K in mindfuck up, their appears to be a person floating behind the branches. dont bother searching for a grim reaper.
Theres a well trained ninja in the this picture good luck finding him
This has got to be Endor ...... I see Ewoks ..........
There's a smiley in the middle of the picture, no joking!! It's next to the 2 trees in the middle.
let's walk threw thw scary forest as slow as possible!....OH DEAR GOD RUN!!!
The reaper is to the left.Stare at it a while,You'll find him.
I SEEZ A GANDALF?????!!!!!!!
oh no ,a witch..,,!!??into the left
Okay so...I didn't see ninjas..the white house...or Death with his "his big knife thinggo' (Scythe, by the by). When I stared directly at the tree the image seems to focus on (dead center) LOOK for a face. MAKE it happen and I can see one eye on either side of that tree (wide open, dead ahead stare) and the branches that are just laying around near the bottom, one is curved down so it looks like a bottom lip. I say FACE!
is SLENDER MAN in there?
I think I can see Slenderman!
Man I'm freaken constipated by this image!
oh i see it. to the far left, right by the second tree, u see what looks like a dude in a long cloak
wow if u keep lookin at it u cn c a dark forest!
its not that... look carefully at the center theres two eyes and the wood at the bottom is the mouth.. theres a face!
Invisible SlenderMan....It has finally happened
fuck kuz they are fucking your mind fooling all of you there nothing there but forest
duhh you guys are all wrong, theres 4 ninjas!!!
it's a forest
very tiny face, directly lined up with the O in YOU at the very top of the picture
holy shit, I know the answer! Although I already thought it was crap and nothing GOOD to see, there is E.T.! you just have to stand back and unfocus. look here: http://img199.yfrog.com/i/blackandwhiteforest7905.jpg/
Gandalf peering behind the second most left tree
there's a little girld behin a tree on the left corner
Ohhhh!!!! i see the grim! Left between two treese
8D I see trees ;D OmG you can only see it if you click enter twenty seconds after the page loads
a guy hanging look aove the M and to the left heys ru=ight there FAIL
OH MY GOD When you stare at the center for about 15 seconds without blinking, and then you close your eyes, you can see the white house!!! I might be wrong, but that just happened with me and it was SWEEEEET.
aa i see a screaming face in the senter
There is a gorilla on the ... :*
Very very top right corner, small face at a tilt
A witch on the left peeking out behind the tree
Pedo bear up a tree?
a face duh
this website is fucking retarded!!!!!
Germans all around us! (Huertgen Forest 1944 :P)
Anyone know what the actual thing is we're supposed to be looking at? I like Mindfuck pictures that actually have some point to them..
I think that in the middle toward the upper left like 7 trees from the left, I think there is a FLY!!!
A tree fell... and no one heard it.
Top above F, a russian baddas face.
wow theres a guy who just got hanged....you can see the rope and all
there's a skeleton right over the C.
That's it? A curved tree? I was expecting something haunted or scary lol
I can see two blokes back 2 back in the trees bottom left half way up ?.Steve679
THERS THING aperson hanging and then the grim reaper
I can see a bunny.
So no one sees that girl on her knees then...
if you look to the left you will see a very tall man
okay, right hand side; middle. theres a figure thing that looks like a person tied to the tree (:
there is a football player..
Right of the picture, there's that bright white section. The brightest bit of the photo. It looks like a skeleton is sitting by the tree O_o Honostly, bottom right xD
i give up
holy shit i see it its awesome
i saw like a grim reaper looking thing in the left between 2 trees
theres a face in the bottom of the tree next to the middle one
i see two guys hanging on the trees
a stick insect orgy?
All the sticks at the bottom are walking sticks :)
wheres the creepy black guy?
Too easy,grandma hiding behind the tree.
on the left bottom corner there is a little creepy person!!! looks like chucky
theres a hand coming out of the tree
There is a face upper right between the two back trees. Go here to see: http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r306/Acryllia/black-and-white-forest-79055.jpg
It isn't grim reaper . It's Gandalf .
i see a bunch of ghost faces... all i can think of is paranormal orgy
I see dead people... all the time...
I found the Grim Reaper
Someone is staring at me in the left of the picture..right in the left
i u look rlly closley u see fucking trees.....amazing!!!!!!!!
It's Narnia!
Yu can see someone climbing the tree in the top right corner!:)
There's a smiley face at the base if the tree trunk toward the center
If you look close enough, You can see a group of ninj-
I see a bunny
This is Doctor Who related. If you look from the "N", you can see a Dalek, and if you look up from the "K", you can see the TARDIS materialising in the forest.
There's face's like right toward's the middle.
there is a skeleton idiots, aboce the "C", and, you! don't look the comments searching for the answer!!
Forget about the trees! Stand back and look into the branches. PHOOONE HOOOOME!
These are fucking stupid, they isn't a fucking thing there, Just retards on the internet imagining things in a rather creepy photo.
i hate these fuckking foresst!!
where's the black guy >
the same thing is an every one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! duh!you guyz dont see it..........its your time gettin wasterd by lookin at every pic trying to figure out whats wrong!!!
theres a big ass hole in the ground far in the back
I don't know about the rest of you, but on the right-hand side, just above the sticks at the bottom, I can see the head od a lion...
Where's the black guy?! D:
oompa loompas EVERYWHERE
wheres the black guy?
its a smiley face!!!
You noobs still haven't found it yet? There's something beside the central tree, close to the top. It's very small, but if you observe closely enough then you'll find it. A face. SO WHERE IS MY FUCKING MEDAL?
Am i the only one that see's an angry squirrel face in the trees? o.o
omg! there are trees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The cake is a lie. Lying right on the ground.
there is a cross at the top to the left a little bit in the trees
There's a sniper in the trees.....
i see a dick in the middle
There's a face behind everything. Look above the " -ndfu-".
'there's a dildo above the "F"' OMFG THERE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
theres two wolf heads in the tree on the left on the third tree about half way up
Okay so...I didn't see ninjas..the white house...or Death with his "his big knife thinggo' (Scythe, by the by). When I stared directly at the tree the image seems to focus on (dead center) LOOK for a face. MAKE it happen and I can see one eye on either side of that tree (wide open, dead ahead stare) and the branches that are just laying around near the bottom, one is curved down so it looks like a bottom lip. I say FACE!
I see a monkey with a straw in its mouth... drinking something
I see dead people..
i fucking found it look at the very top a like in the center of the top line go down a tiny bit and to the right a light like a witch face
if u look carfully there is are patches of light in the woods
where is it?! I can't see shit!
I kinda see the dude hanging...but other than that all I see is a very racial forest D:
Hypocrisy is just fucking annoying.
omg wtf is it ?!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????!??!??!?!?!??!!?!!!!?!????!?!?
Adolph Hitler behind 3rd tree from the right, can just see his head
theres a god dam person in the tree!!!!!! freaky.........
If you squint and turn your head upside down its some sort of forest upside down
no way, the tree is missing a finger
holy shit!!! look at all those penises!
The whole forest is made up of faces. If you look at a tiny section pretty much anywhere in the background of the top there are a bunch of faces.
Dinosaur( maybe veloceraptor): bottom left corner.
If you look closely you can see Terabithia
Follow the U up next to the big tree there's a stag
Come on ppl don't be bad ... it is a 2 eyes if you look in the middel and go straight northeast!
One of the trees are bent not so brick shitty but interesting...too a botonist....
i can see something behind the trees, maybe trees.
aint crap there
why do i see terry fox..
Jeez! I´ve saw some kind of houses near the branches on zeh right! U all who says shit about seeing boners and pussys, SCREW YA!
There's Albert Einstein's face, with glasses. Above the center, line with letter D
PEDO BEAR! right of the middle tree
If you look really really close........You will smash you head against the screen! :D
its some kind of robotic jew army
So the cake wasn't lie....
its a norwegian black metal video
OMFG!! if you unfocus there is a tree waving
Under the top white frame. On the tree next to the "curved tree" [on left]: see the face?
the trees will not let me see the forest
i see a boner, pirate treasure, a car, a velocirater, and edward cullen driving an AT-ST.
http://pics.livejournal.com/hitferret/pic/00008s9c there is the answer ;3
I found it!!! in the center,but a bit to the leftone of the trees has a gap at the top!
Theres a skeleton or some guy in the tree in the upper right of the pic. I noticed it as a thumb nail how the fuck can yall not see it?
not much of a mind FUCK!
i saw a puss and tits
If you stare at the white parts long enough the dark parts get shady and the white parts spell a word!
I see a guy hanging in the VERY middle, kinda hard to see, but almost like he's wearing a tux.
If you stare at it long enough, there's a pretty clear image of a forest of some kind.