Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Catception , already posted on memebase long time ago! Yo dawg , i heard you like cats , so i put a cat in your cat so you can cat while you cat!!!
its a pussy on a pussy
this comment will randomly get alot of thumbs ups
You're all clearly missing this, It's not the cat with a cat on its back, it's that Pedobear is missing a finger, because the hidden black guy with a boner bit it off!
Cat on cat action.
Yo Dawg! I heard you liked cats, so i put a cat on your cat so you can cat while your catting ;D
Yo Dawg
Cats on cats on cats!
Yo Dawg! I heard you like cats, so i put a cat on your cat so you can pet you pussy while your petting your pussy ;D
its a 2 for 1 deal
OFF! Just today!! 2 cats for a price of one!
The cat needs to go deeper.
So cute :D
Dat inside joke
Stupid Copy-cat
Yo dawg—er, cat.
cat tattoo
It's a Metacat! It's like, so meta.
thats what happens when the chinese do experiments (upper right corner)
Oh fuck everyone already made the Catception jokes.
the cats fur needs more cats fur, CATCEPTION
I guess no one notices the kink in the cats tail
great, first my sister now my cat. enough tramp stamps!
it's Oscar!
That as literally the first thing I saw.
a cat on the cat!!
Cat ON Cat!!!!But ones black sooo????
"Mom, I want two kitties!" NO WE ARE GETTING ONLY ONE, now pick one out, Sally. -Mom Facepalms-
A Cat who carries a Cat on his back.
cats on cats
Lesbians! (Pussy in a Pussy)
Catception. XD
I can has double cheezburger?
Theres a black guy behind the cat, who is missing a finger and placed above a ninja.
yo dawg, heard you like cats...
Yo Dawg, I herd you like cats - So we put a cat on yo cat, so you can pet yo cat while yo pettin' yo cat. WUT
Random comment about inception, boner, cats and sex.
cat tattoo
wtf catception much
A Cat who carries a Cat on his back.
Black cat, white cat
the tail of the cat looks like a cock
Man that's a Cat-astrophe
Jerry: Hey Bill i heard u got a cat...Bill: Yeah i got 2...Jerry: no way!...Bill:ill bet you $10000...Jerry: fine but only if i can come over and look...Bill: deal!...... 4 HOURS LATER...Jerry: DAMN U BILL!
the kitt-eh has a kitt-eh on it's kitt-eh.
cat on cat relation shit o i mean ship
pussy on pussy ;)
yesss, two pussys for the price of one :D
"Catception , already posted on memebase long time ago! Yo dawg , i heard you like cats , so i put a cat in your cat so you can cat while you cat!!!"alright
there are chinese words on the top right
Yo Dawg, I herd you like cats - So we put a cat on yo cat, so you can pet yo cat while yo pettin' yo cat. WUT
It's missing a finger
Catception , already posted on memebase long time ago! Yo dawg , i heard you like cats , so i put a cat in your cat so you can cat while you cat!!!