Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
It is not an extra hand , it is slenderman's hand...
"The thing" from the adams family has been a regular shitbrix visitor lately!
First we had penors. Then missing fingers. Then hidden black guys. And now ladies and gentlemen... THE EXTRA HAND!!!!
Ok , les play it normally : The hand that hugs the little girl at the left of the picture does not belong to anyone, all the other hands are visible on the photo.
OMG , she had 3 kids and she is so thin? brix shat!!! :D
anyone else notice the look on the mothers face?
This comment will randomly get the most thumbs up :)
A brunnete and a dark haired couple makes blonde kids
Mom: Brunette Dad: Black Hair Children: All Blonde WTF
THATS MY WIFE!!!!!!!! MARIE YOU FUCKING WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Theres a hand hugging the little girl that doesnt belong to anyony
anyone notice there isn't another fucking pole
The older sister already has a tattoo...What a skank
the kids are all looking like their father
OBVIOUSLY the baby was jealous of everyone putting their hands around each other so he joined in... Le problem... -_- not funeh is it. I'll just be melting into the floor now...
Very long arm from a man + small head coming out of tree
the dog has a penis on his chest
ghost leg at the left
The dog is watching a serial killer run at the family with a sword.
Dog With No Arms?
Atleast she can watch her back.
kid behind tree in the back
the older girl has a tattoo!
Abcd kgjf Aj
Longest arm ever.
Mr Fantastic let himself go
Does that little girl have a tattoo?
The extra hand stuff is not enough to make me shit any brix...but come on guys, they all wearing jeans...even the baby! Brix shat!
What about the legs of the second girl?! Oo
Holy shit, its more freaky than a hand, i zoomed in on the hand and it only has four fingers
Thats just creepy as fuck
been shopped, the hand holding the the older sister is her younger sisters and the older ones is behind the younger ones back
Shit shit shit shit
i thought it's the girls tatoo
The girls are wearing the same clohes,even the baby.DUHHHHHHHHH
lol the youngest girl is just a snake person xd
The infant's leg looks like a HUGE one...
That family is full of extra chromosomes!!!
hat Extra Hand has no life ! The dog doesn''t give a fuck about being photographed or snapped
These sorts of pictures always remind me of the Doctor Who episode where they're in the catacombs and they notice the statues have only one head per head.
You know this picture would be awesome if it showed the baby breastfeeding from the little girl lol
"when u see it" i see 3 little aliens D:" watchin the family... @ right half-down (zoom the pic)
Not an extra hand, the dad just has long arms.
The light white fur on the dog looks like a penis, too!
Elder sister's right hand dumbasses
Why is she reproducing with a low income worker?
There are no extra hands, no slenderman, no E.T. It's just the hand of her older sister, they're holding hands, Younger's left hand and Older's left hand interlocked, and the Older's right hand is reaching the younger's shoulder!!!!!
I'm afrai that half of this stuff is photshopped...
The chair reacts like a balance!!
The girl has a hand coming out her ass and reaching around her sister.
The Baby wasn't aborted
Matt Newbery wants fuck her on the left
5 year old with a tatoo
snake people, everywhere
Whatever extra hand or no the realy clear thing the baby looks like guess what Obama LOL
Longarm iz long
The dog is missing a finger
Pedobear loves you
Aristocrats joke?
hand belongs to older sister, look closer
the man has no hands
a wild snorlax appears and mates with hot babe... all kids must wear same clothes as mom... how is the swing not broken yet from snorlaxes fat ass!?
been shopped, the hand holding the the older sister is her younger sisters and the older ones is behind the younger ones back
It could be the girls other hand, Reaching behind her back.
there is an eye on the left of the bench!
No A
Sick parents. The kid in the middle has a tattoo on her arm.
not a single fucking one of you can see the mother fucking snake in his pocket
its the girl on the far lefts other hand she is really flexible
Knowing how difficult it is to get two kids to actually look at the camera and smile, the photographer obviously took several shots and then shopped the best pose of the youngest girl into the best photo.
Pretty obvious that the tiny girl just has a quadruple "shit brix" jointed arm!
Not only is there a extra hand the third smalles child has 3 legs
Guy on the right is a pedo
Elder sister's right hand idiots.
Word to the blinds: Dog ghost right of the guy at waist level. Face about the size of dog's.
Actually the little girl's left hand is reaching behind her back
Mr Herbert is getting sneakier..
It is not an extra hand , it is slenderman's hand...