Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
nah it's shopped. It used to say exit 8, formerly exit 8
the arrow is a dick and the 3 is the balls the dick is missing the balls
This sign is missing a finger
belongs on failblog
the face in the window is missing a finger
ok..... i have to use my brain for this one.... HOLY CRAP ITS THE SAME NUMBER IT DIDNT CHANGE AT ALL
I think it's a good change between the former exit 3 two it's new name.
The Exit Formerly Known As Three
Actually...It means exit "threeway" like a threesome....yaknow?
this isn't mindfuck. this is fail.
They could have just been changing all the exit numbers - this one just happened to not change. They probably marked it so that travelers, using maps, wouldn't be confused about why the exit was left alone (ie: someone could have stolen the sign).
Dang!! i forgot my dress =\
I could be wrong, but something tells me that this was once exit 3.
I'm thinking the 3 is an asshole because it was formerly an exit :o
look too the right of the 3 itz shaped as a penis
the top 3 is an 8 because the bottom is longer than the top
LOLZ i thought it was 3
this is fail.
wrong site. -
I think I saw this one in failblog
its just a si.... OMG kill kill it with fire!
Fail is not an adjective.
If this is really a mindfuck for anyone here, you are the most retarded person to see this pic
what the fuck is up with the missing finger shit?? what is it
nah it's shopped. It used to say exit 8, formerly exit 8