Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
i waited for you fry....
this picture makes me sad.
This is so obvious! That black kid in the middle of the street isn't even remotely hidden.
i dont know whats wrong with the pic but i feel really bad for this dog
Too easy, a mailbox is a bottle ;)
poor doggy:(
There's a T-rex comming round the corner to the left.
who ever leaves a dog to fend for it self on the streets is a fucking arsehole and they need locking i have a dog i would never hert him or abuse him like this guy
If you look real close, you can see a black dog in the middle of the road.
a dildo on the mailbox at the right ?
dog is shitting bricks
awhhh that poor puppy! ):
Thats a puppy under the black dog.
hmm, dog in the middle of the street!
The Dog has a Puppy with him, how cute! XD
dude look real close behind the car with the lights on look in the far left fog it looks like a T-rex
sit back a bit, and in the top right corner, the dark spot of the tree is left eye, its a face of a women… faded in really large..
you guys its not even raining its just an old pic
leeroy! i said no more oil slicks
Bitch is out of the kitchen.
you copy the picture wrong ,it supposed to be a tree in form of a dinosor in the back, but in this picture you can´t see it
The dogs missing a finger!
awwwwww poor doggy =(
his balls are frozen on the ice
That dog is looking at the black guy out of the photo.
It's hard to tell but there is a face hidden in the dog not the head the body.
That Gremlin is going to eat him unless the sun comes out and Quick! :)
that guy is gonna be pissed he left his headlights on....
His balls are cemented to the street D:
I dont understand why people think this is a sad picture, yes if we drove by and saw that it would be but this is clearly a photographer and his dog. it was posed so the dog goes home to a rich house and has a good treat.
the dog is missing a finger
The dog is missing a finger.
*GASP* It's the Grim!!
the picture is being taken by a driver of a car and the dog is going to get hit
Ok the dog is thinking: Lalalala I'm sitting in the middle of a road and I hope a car doesn't hit me
we're not asking what you feel, we're asking what is the thing that'll make us shit brix. stop being fags
the dog is very sad,,,
if you squint real real hard and go cross-eyed then step back you can see a dog in the road
if u look really close....i mean like....put u nose to the screen.....u will see a poor little black kid that was just droped off by his hooker mom...."Here jimmy i will drop.....wAiT Im DrUnK......oh well so u dont have to see me give a low life a blow job....i will take you home" "mom----MMOMM!?!?......oh well its the same house as last time....the wrong house...i will wait for her......"
It only has 1 leg guys...
The closest mailbox is turned the wrong way.
The Middle car is going the wrong way
There is another animal starting to run across the street, starting on the right side. It looks like a wild hog, or maybe its a human slumping over. Across from the red car, and infront of what seems to be a bus station. I doubt thats it, but it is interesting.
missing a finger
I see a paint brush on the pole to the right, which has white paint residue, and then the dogs ass is painted white, insinuating that someone painted the dog's ass white?
guys you all are again blind if you look in the red car, you can see a skull on drivers side
the dog is being raped... duh.
the dog has been dead for ten years,
Is the car with headlights about to hit the parked cars.......
its abbey road! or like that
aw poor dog
you guys are blind... they left their car lights on....
poor dog this made me cry
only 1 car has itz lightz on
There is a face in the dog. The leg is the lips. Look closely. . .
if you ilt your screen back or look at it from the bottam the dogs ribs are showing it sad:(
The cars are driving on the wrong side of the road
the mail box its a dick!!!!
There is a face on the dogs side.The hip looks like a frown.
look above the one headlight the shading in the trees kinda looks like a limp dick'
paint brush nailed to the post??
i get the joke!! lol sad :(
Ther is a Face Right Upper ;)
Poor dog.
The dog has no hind legs.
aaaaaaaw wat a cute puppy OMG KILL IT KILL IT EVERY ONE LOOK IN THE FUR HOLY TITS ON TOAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this mindfuck picture is an edited one if you look into this one you can see in the back a dinosaur but the editor blured it out...
there's nothing on this pic.. only a lonely dog.. like me..
it's also raining now.. cry.. -
You guys are so stupid! The dog is fake! Look at the BLURRY picture and compare it to the HD canine! Obvious photoshop fail.
yeah i see it too...
these SUX -
why does this kill my heartstrings..
Omg! Are you really that blind? Its the car , it will crash ;)
Thats a dog...O_O
Tt frycygvguvhubjhnomk
hei, if you will look closely, you will see small puppy under the dog. lol
dog is missing a finger.
DUDE!!! The dog is obviously jesus.
whats the difference between a dead dog in the street and a dead nigger in the street?? theres skid marks leading up to the dog
im sorry but i dont get how this is so sad..
white dildo on mail box to the right
alllll byyyy myself....don't wanna beee allll byyyyy myself!
The dog is fucking a frog.. Obvious
what kind of person could leave his dog alone in the rain poor dog T_T (.Y.)
omg poor dog. This is such a sad picture
There's a dildo on the grey mailbox at the right.
If you look close enough a dog will appear
HAHAHA dude the "i waited for you fry" was the funniest episode xD nice!
poor dog
Awesome how emos usually gets discriminated against but once it's a animal being bit 'emo-ish' everyone's like caring. :p
D; poor dogggggie T-T
face in the road.
There's a face on the dog, ppl... Look at it... one eye on the neck of the dog, the nose is close to the eye and where the dog's foot is bent - that's the mouth...looks like a drooling zombie
no its surronded by t-rexes
Dildo on the letterbox LMAO
obviously the dog is misig a finger.
the dog has an eye in his fur
i dont think its raining on the dog. look at the road then how fluffy the dogs hair is
the dog is shitting brix
i can only see a face kind of in the middle of the dog. anyone else?
Evil face staring at us from doggy (center of dog)
That's so sad. Poor doggy.
The rain in the rain is like an ET
aww poor doggy:(
Middle right, outline of something by the lamppost.
Instead of keep driving i would stop and bring the dog with me :)
Goddamnit this is NOT the t-rex picture! There was no dog in that one.
There's dog piss all over the street
thats a paint brust, not bottle nor is it a dildo dumbfuck.
i agree, this pic makes me sad too... :(
tang ina nyu di ko kau maintindihan
is that my car !!
This is not a joke! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her da...d. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the government decided that the... See... See More... Δείτε περισσότερα... See more... See More ... See MoreMore... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she finally died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pics on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't pass this on like you did. And forget about you. Example 1: Jenny didn't believe this and deleted it without even reading the whole thing! A few days later on the monday night, she was woken up by loud footsteps and heavy breathing, there was Clarissa standing there with a huge knife and well Jenny is history now
Ooh no wa.... Zan'nen'nagara koinu kawaii....... Kanojo ga watashi o kanashiku shimasu.
if it was pouring torrential rain and I looked out the window and there was a dog sitting dead still in the middle of the road making no attempt to run for cover id shit bricks
There's a black guy in the red car
Dog casts no shadow or reflection, even on rain.
I don't get it
the dog has no fucking tale
Is it wrong that this gave me a boner?
the dog was put there by the photographer, its been set up for a photo, the dog is trained and will go back to a nice warm house with food.
One of the cars is on the wrong lane.. It is about to hit another car..
Upside down paintbrush on the right.
The dog has no shadow and everything else does...
make me sad for abandoned puppy!
:( poor dog.. This picture made me sad, so now i just go to bed :' (
that dog looks emo, youre comments are all sh1ts you little motherfvckers
Or maybe it's the act that there are pretty much no cars coming?
What the heck...? Can you guys not see that there are two dogs? :)
theres a face under the dog obviously because theres a hole in the road under the doggyy. what am i on about? PEOPLE I WEAR GLASSES
There's a faint picture of a face photoshopped into the dog's side..
Doggy get out of the rain there's cars it might hur u
Either write the answer to the puzzle or SHUT THE FUCK UP
Its having a dorrrtyyy dummp!
some guy with a car left their lights on
there's a face on the dog.
There is a black man right in the mailbox!!!!!
I think a road is under a dog.
The trees in the very left of the photo form what looks like a T-Rex...other than that, AWWWW...what a cute doggy!!!
I think i see a Little kid with the dog 0_o
Edvard Munch's "The Scream" super imposed in the very bottom right.
If you relax your eyes and stare at the black kid it looks like a penguin!!!
you guys come on...its pedobear.
look at the light from the car ,stand up and go back
The door is looking at a guy that's looking at the dog! In other words... Look at the shadow in front of him
the dog doesn't have a home...
If you look close enough you see a Dog on a street.
Poor dog. It's like watching Lassie.
What am I -HOLY SHIT!!! Theres a dog in the road!!!
I see Indiana Jones running from a giant boulder.
Am I the only one seeing goatse on the road?
i foubd it. idk if u guys saw it but there is a big black dog in the middle of the road.
It's freeze-dried!
seems the dog has his legs crossed
behind the dog there is a dry spot that looks like a heart
Am I the only one to see the dildo on the pole on the right? Maybe its just the fact that I am sex deprived...
There's a face in the branches in the top middle (looks like a laughing skeleton). The same face can be seen on the left in the tree above the red car.
i wan t that doggy so bad! he doesnt deserve that shit he's getting form an owner.
poor little dog......there's a dick in the mailbox
Ohh yeah , looks like from that Futurama episodee :(
Too obvious that the 3rd car on the left are waiting the dog to turn into Hot Dog... in the middle of rain!
Does anybody else see the shadow of a T-Rex in the water around the dog? its Huge!
No you idiots there is a paint brush hanging on the tree on the right! God you guys are idiots!
The tree right above the dog on the right looks like another dog face looking down at him. ? just a guess
Tt frycygvguvhub
There is a smaller dog in front of the dog.
Theres a dildo on the mailbox to the right
there is a cat underneath the dog...look closely
OMFG!!! pedobear in second car...
The YingYang is in the floor :). If you see the dog, there is a part more white than the other. You will see it :D
the dog is missing a leg
doe snaybody wlse see the shadow of a T-Rex in the water around the dog. Its huge!!
The mailbox to the right has a boner.
I waited for you Fry
i feel sad :(
i agree, this pic makes me sad too... :(
Aww i feel so bad for da Puppy
I dont get it wats wrong in there 0-0
look up in the trees. there are eyeballs or boobs on the picture.
The dog want make a sueside:(((
Wow, animal cruelty.
lol you guys are retarded
The Dog is missing a finger
I think that mailbox to the right has a dildo on it - C crest out
There is a ghostly figure on the right side of the picture. Just to the left of that black spot half way up.
There's a bloody DILDO on top of the mailbox or whatever...look to right
its the car from the movie "christine" after the dog in the back round :p
theres a alien face in the left corner
it's raining :D
I see Indiana Jones running from a giant boulder.
you can see an eye on his shoulder
1 The mailbox is a bottle 2 The dog is out in the rain in the middle of the street and will probably get sick
in the dog, there is another face, look from another perspective.
hachiko wanna be ..
under him is a cat
look at the first mailbox on the right
I'll shit brix on the face of whoever let him there.
their in silent hill
Ok thats sad:(
The dog doesn't have any fingers.
It can make me cry.like my first dog/puppy.its so furry i can't sleep so well i cry and cry :(
the dog has frog legs
Tree braches makes face in top middle.
The car light.... it's gonna run that pooch over if it don't move
theres an alien face above the line of cars. its barely noticable, buts its there.
it's raining
the dog is so lenely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dildo mailboxes are the $H1TTT!
theres a dick on the mailbox on the right, a white one.
the paintbrush nailed to the light pole maybe?
You guys are dumb, there's a face on the dog's legs.
Ooh no wa.... Zan'nen'nagara koinu kawaii....... Kanojo ga watashi o kanashiku shimasu.
dog is missing a finger
that isn't a puppy under him, that's a brick...
teh dog is missing a finger
It looks like its a puppy drinking milk.. shit idk
yeah its like something is between the legs of the dog, i cant recall if its a kitty though =p
a dildo on top of the maibox
hey, is it me or do u actually see Fry as a wet spot right behind the dog? the ass is kind of pointing to the wet area were his head starts.
DOG? wheres the dog??
teach me how to dougie
The dogs legs are crossed
there is a face under the dog
I thought he was taking a shit in da rain
that isn't a kid, it's a dog..
if you'll look really really closely (with alot of imagination) you'll see a dog in the middle of the picture.
poor puppy i think it needs to come live with me
yea i see the dog looking down on the dog too.. it takes awhile but you have to really look..
:'( i cry when see this photo
thers a face in the dog an eye in the fur n the smiling mouth with the leg
That person left there car lights on..
I dont understand what im shitting bricks from.. ?
I kinda see a face in the dog's fur....Meh...
poor puppy!!!!!
omg people look at the angles of the other mailboxes, and then look the mailbox people keep calling a dildo LOL!!! the mailbox i staring at the dog!!!
Everything in the picture is black and white aside of the red car to the left.
emotional dog!
face on the shoulder of the dog
you retards! the dog has a puppy...its under her leg!
theres a brush hanging on the electric post on the right
theres a puppy hidden under his leg ahhh
Theres A Paint Brush On The Lightpole To Your Right
there is a face in the tree above the dog to the right
You racist morons make me sick. Your so hell bent on the mindfuck being a black guy, guess what look around, a lot of people are black, get over yourselves... because quite honestly no one but you and your racist friends think it's funny, go up to almost any CIVIL adult and the'll just shake their heads at how pathetic you are thinking racism is funny.
There are two dogs. one in front (small) and one behind him (bigger one) both black.
if you move back u notice the trees outline a persons head and shoulders, the two trees are eyes and the dog is the mouth
looks like the dog has rly small back legs. dogs legs are way longer and they lay flat not all bent like that.
How about the fact that this whole scene took place in the middle of a fucking epic storm?
OMFG. the cars are all on the wrong side of the road
there is a kitten betwen the dogs legs!
hello ya stupid idiots theres a paint brush on the pole beside the mailboxes duah
frys dog.. I CRIED.
lonley im am so lonley i have no bodie on my ownnn arghh yeh
Tt frycygvguvhubjhnomk
there is a face under the dog
if you look at the dog underneath the shoulder you can see 2 eyes and a mouth
theres a puppy hidden under his leg ahhh
to the people who think that the dog was abandoned it was probably the persons who took this picture
oh hachiko... there you are...
If you look really close right in the middle of the picture , you might need glasses or something, you will see a dog
I see an eyeball on the doggy and a dildo on the mailbox
on the left side there is a bottle can as a mail box.
poor doggy :(
If you look really closely you'll see a dog
its not a t rex..its a bench of tree
The picture in black and white and there is one little car that is red and fucks the brain up, making it shit brix
the dog peed
there is a paintbrush on the wood post
The ground is reflecting light it means that it's raining
the picture was taken from a car goin right at it
If you look really closely, you see dog. I'm not kidding, it took me an hour to find it.
the dog has two extra fingers
Ten blocks away, you could see a cat
People, it's bender the werecar in the back!!
1 it's not a kid it's a dog and 2 u should be looking at the thing on the side top right.it's like a grudge girl like that is either really tall or flying.
led zeppelin - black dog and i think the dog had no tail
lol suicide dog
That mailbox has a penis coming out of it
Mailbox has boner.
the pole to the right is painting itself !
T-rex coming around the corner. You need to really focus on it though since th fog almost completely covers it.
i think theres a screaming face on puppy's back.
above the last car with its light on 0.0
awww! the dog looks so sad :( like someone broke its heart and its just sitting in the middle of the road waiting to be run over by a car to end its misery...
i waited for you fry....