Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
"Machete machete machete..."
To the guy ranting about Spade vs Trejo similarities: Are you retarted??? Spade is a blonde American! Look at the picture again and try to count to potato! :P
Danny Trejo young and without the tattoos!
Nip Slip.
Re:[that is not danny trejo are you fucking me. and nor is it david spade, but it shure does look a hell of a lot more like david fucking spade than danny trejo, not even younger or without tatooes] : No shit sherlock! Did you really think i meant he is literally Trejo? Duh! Also, "are you fucking me"??? YES SIR!!!
mexican he-man
The guy at the bottom right is breaking the picture's pattern by keeping his lips sealed together.
Black man black man where can you be, You could be hiding in a tree, Between some some chicks in the night, Oh my oh my you have me a fright. Ha I found waldo
"And then she said: "These Friends of Mine" will be out on Season DVD any day now..."
Missing a finger
machete lookin for she before he leave the show XDDDD
The shmuck on the right has no shirt
Saw him at once, did not shit brix, not even close, neither funny, WEAK!
OMG a naked girl with a mustache!
fap fap fap fap fap oh look bitches in the backround, oh well, better go back to fapping to the naked man fap fap fap
"Machete machete machete..."